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  • School Profile

    School Profile

    Strong immigration to our community enriches our culturally diverse school and our parent community plays a strong role in enhancing our students' learning. Connections with our extended community include work with our Community League,  Vernon Barford Junior High, Harry Ainlay High School,  and the University of Alberta. 

    All Grade Four to Six students receive French as a Second Language (FSL) programming and all Kindergarten to Grade Six students are exposed to Fine Arts programming. We offer literacy and numeracy support for students through our Pyramid of Intervention.

    The Westbrook Butterfly

    The Westbrook Butterfly is an abstract representation of the school's focus of nurturing the "whole child;" it is a series of butterflies flying into the distance.  This a metaphor for a child spending a period of time early in life in school preparing for the world and growing to become a focused, confident, contributing citizen of the world.  The shape of the butterflies are derived from the letter W, to further represent Westbrook, while the number of butterflies corresponds with the number of grades (K - 6) in the school.  The clean, contemporary font reflects the school's progressive approach to teaching and learning.  The colours are contemporary and bold, and work with the butterfly to depict a sense of delicate strength, representative of a young child.

    The Native Butterfly Legend

    When the Westbrook Courtyard was redeveloped to represent the province of Alberta, students and guests attending the opening celebration were given butterfly seeds with the Native Butterfly Legend.

    If anyone desires a wish to come true they must first capture a butterfly & whisper that wish to it.  Since the butterfly can make no sound, the butterfly can not reveal the wish to anyone but the Great Spirit who hears and sees all.

    In gratitude for giving the beautiful butterfly its freedom, the Great Spirit always grants the wish.  So, according to legend, by making a wish & giving the butterfly its freedom, the wish will be taken to the heavens and granted.



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  • Regular Program

    Regular Program

    We inspire student success through high quality learning environments, supported by meaningfully engaged students, parents, staff and community. Using the district's Cornerstone Values of accountability, collaboration, equity and integrity as our guide, we provide appropriate learning experiences for all of our sudents based on their strengths and their challenges. 

    Kindergarten (ECS)

    Early childhood is a significant period in human development. What young children learn at this state will have a major impact on successful learning experiences in school, on personal development, and on future participation in society.  Early Childhood Services (ECS) refers to a continuum of programming that is developmentally appropriate and meets the diverse needs of young children and their families.  In ECS programs, young children participate as active learners, build a shared set of experiences and develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that prepare them for subsequent learning.  Kindergarten refers specifically to the education program for children in the year prior to Grade 1 and is part of the ECS continuum.  The Kindergarten learner expectations describe learnings that are appropriate for young children and are part of a learning pathway.  Some children are already developing, or have developed, some of the learnings described in the Kindergarten Program Statement. Most children will achieve these learnings before they enter Grade 1. Others will continue to develop them during the primary school years.  The Kindergarten program not only helps prepare children for entry in Grade 1, but also provides a foundation for later success.

    The Kindergarten Program Statement provides learner expectations in 7 learning areas:

    • Early Literacy
    • Early Numeracy
    • Citizenship and Identity
    • Environment and Community Awareness
    • Personal and Social Responsibility
    • Physical Skills and Well-being
    • Creative Expression

    The expectations of the 7 learning areas are interrelated and meet the social, physical, intellectual, cultural, creative and emotional needs of young children. These learning areas describe the learnings that young children accomplish not only in the Kindergarten Program, but also in their homes and communities.  The learning areas provide a transition to the subject areas of elementary schooling.

    Let the Kids Learn Through Play

    Grades 1 to 6

    Even though most of our schools offer a regular program, no two are quite the same. While the curriculum at all schools is determined by Alberta Education, a school's instructional focus, delivery of courses and activities will vary depending on the school is organized to meet student needs.  

    French as a Second Language (FSL)

    Bonjour! The Grade 4 - 12 FSL Program of Studies provide students, and society in general, with definite benefits.  By learning French, students gain both personally and academically.  Society, in turn, profits from the contribution of citizens who are both bilingual and bicultural.  All students at Westbrook in Grade 4 to 6 are required to take French as a Second Language programming. 

    Fine Arts Programming

    The Music Program at Westbrook School offers children a unique blend of classical, folk and modern music experience combining traditional and Orff, Kodaly music methodology. We address a variety of needs of our students that help us actively involve students in a variety of music activities. Performing in choirs, Orff ensemble, handbells, participation in concerts and music festivals give children an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful world of art and music but helps children to grow as harmonious human beings. Concerts and participation in music festivals helps to involve parents and the community in school activities making our students feel proud about their accomplishments.

    The Elementary Visual Arts Program, through the four components of REFLECTION, DEPICTION, COMPOSITION and EXPRESSION, provides opportunity for a variety of experiences: a chance to grow and develop as an individual; to develop perceptual awareness; to learn visual arts skills and concepts; to interpret and communicate with the visual symbol; to create; to value, reflect upon and appreciate the cultural aspects of art; to relate and appreciate art in everyday life.



    In 2011, Westbrook School was cited as a School of Distinction and recognized by Awards for Excellence in Education in the Excellence in Language Arts and in Excellence in Science categories. We were one of the top 30 schools in Alberta and only one of 19 schools to be acknowledged in two categories. The awards were based on the data provided in the Fraser Institute’s annual listing of Alberta schools’ academic achievement.

    The Excellence in Language Arts award recognizes schools where students have achieved ongoing success in the acquisition of reading and writing skills. The Excellence in Science award recognizes schools where students have achieved ongoing success in the acquisition of skills and knowledge of science.

    In 2013, the C.D. Howe Institute recognized Westbrook School as having outstanding academic performance in their report Signposts of Success. We get the most out of our students, no matter what background they come from, rich or poor, recent immigrant or Canadian-born, native or non-native. 

    These recognitions are well deserved and celebrates the exceptional staff we have at Westbrook School, who daily demonstrate great ability, dedication and hard work as they help make a difference in their students’ lives. It reinforces we are on the right path by creating a learning environment where the whole child can develop curiosity and transform to meet their potential.  The work we are doing here in classrooms everyday is the right work.

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  • Student Leadership

    Student Leadership

    AMA Patrols - Almost 50 Westbrook Grade Six students and teachers have committed to helping keep their fellow students safe on their way to and from school.   




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  • Athletics


    Cross Country – is a fall sport in which teams of runners race on open-air courses over natural terrain. The course may include surfaces of grass, and earth; pass through woodlands and open country, and include hills and flat ground. It is both an individual and a team sport as runners are judged on an individual basis and a points scoring method for teams. At Westbrook, we have girls and boys compete at cross country meets (Harriers and C.A.H.P.E.R.). 

    Running Club – Running Club at Westbrook “runs” throughout the indoor season. During the colder winter months, students will train indoors at school and compete at the Butterdome located on the U of A campus and the Harrier races at the Kinsmen Centre. All levels of abilities are encouraged to join. Our goal is to help each runner achieve their personal best, developing their athletic abilities to realize their full potential. At the end of the year, we celebrate their commitment with our annual Westbrook Fun Run in the ravine! 


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  • Clubs & Activities

    Clubs & Activities

    A variety of extracurricular opportunities are offered at Westbrook School during the noon hour or after school. Extracurricular opportunities provide students with enriched educational experiences to enhance learning and to build upon our students’ varying interests.

    Division 1 (Grades 1-3) and Division 2 (Grades 4-6) Choirs - If you enjoy singing, then join Westbrook School's Performance Group/Choir!  These groups rehearse once a week and learn choral music to sing at both in and out-of-school performances.  

    Running Club - An opportunity for our students to be active and compete in races throughout the year. 

    Art Club -  Students in Kindergarten-Grade 3 that would like to explore their creative sides are invited to join the Art Club! The club meets each Wednesday during lunch and lunch recess. 

    French Club - The French club is for students in Grades 4-6. The club meets each Wednesday during lunch hour recess.  Students  practice speaking French by participating in various activities and games, 

    Exciting Fun Lunch Days -
    Throughout the year our parent group (PAWS) coordinates exciting lunches for all of the students at Westbrook  School!  You can place your order for fun lunches throughout the year at https://healthyhunger.ca/.

    Community Clean Up - Every Spring, our students participate in a community clean up. When the snow is gone, the communities of Westbrook and Aspen Garden are gleaming! 

    Shelf Elves - Students in Grade 5 & 6 are welcome to join this club which is focused on helping out and learning about our library.

    WBTV Broadcast Club - Grade 6 students interested in learning how to produce and edit our daily WBTV broadcasts are welcome to join!

    Chess Club - Students in Grades 2-6 are invited to join our Chess Master, Mr. Richard Pua, to learn chess strategy and engage in some brain testing chess matches!  

    Young Readers Choice Awards (YRCA) Book Club - Students in Grades 4-6 that love reading will enjoy participating in the weekly YRCA book club! 

    Cricket Club - Students in Grades 4-6 are welcome to join our weekly noon hour cricket club!  Coach Chris is awesome!

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  • School Philosophy

    School Philosophy

    We create a learning environment where the whole child develops curiosity and transforms to meet his or her potential. The development of our students' physical, emotional, and social well-being is as important as their academic development. Westbrook School offers opportunities for students to engage in activities that support these areas of development.  

    We are a Tribes Learning Community, a safe and caring environment in which kids can do well! It is a process in which students achieve because they

    • feel included and appreciated by peers and teachers
    • are respected for their different abilities, cultures, gender, interests and dreams
    • are actively involved in their own learning
    • have positive expectations from others that they will succeed.

    The clear purpose of the Tribes process is to assure the healthy development of every child so that each one has the knowledge, skills and resiliency to be successful in a rapidly changing world. There are four agreements in the Tribes process that are honored by all:

    • attentive listening
    • appreciation/no put downs
    • mutual respect, and
    • the right to pass

    The learning of academic material and self-responsible behavior is assured because teachers utilize methods based upon brain-compatible learning, multiple intelligences, cooperative learning and social development research. 

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  • Volunteering


    You might be interested to know how parents are involved at our school and how best you can contribute to the history of excellence at Westbrook. There are many opportunities for you to help out in our classrooms and on field trips in addition to attending PAWS and WSC meetings. You can sit on a committee, participate in a special event or offer to share your skills. We welcome your contribution in any way that works for you. 

    There’s always room for one more! Westbrook School Council and the Parents At Westbrook Society are run by volunteers and if you have a talent, some energy,or time, however limited, it’s always appreciated. 

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Our vision is to transform the learners of today into the leaders of tomorrow. We inspire student success through high quality learning opportunities, supported by meaningfully engaged students, parents, staff and community. Our District's cornerstone values of accountability, collaboration, equity and integrity guide our work at Westbrook School. 

Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year

For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Westbrook School is full in planned classes in the regular program. A Kindergarten student who is a resident and lives in the school's attendance area may still register. We will now only accept resident students in Grades 1 to 6 whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have newly moved into the school’s attendance area for the regular program. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enrol in another Division school with space in planned classes.

If you are registering for Kindergarten or are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.


2024/ 2025 School Supply Lists

Grade 1  Grade 2  Grade 3  Grade 4  Grade 5  Grade 6 

**Kindergarten students will be charged a supply fee and supplies will be provided in their classroom** 





Welcome to Westbrook School. The butterfly is a symbol of powerful transformations. It is a sign of growth and renewal. At Westbrook, curiosity leads to transformation; to the development of critical thinkers and lifelong learners. We nurture the growth of the whole child and assist each student to become confident, compassionate, and community-minded. We encourage advancement in physical, social, and emotional qualities which compliment an emphasis on academic excellence. Our goal is that each year, our students will go through a personal journey of transformation that takes them one step closer to realizing their true potential.

Transformation and growth is also evident in our energetic and dedicated team of teachers, support staff and administrators. We challenge ourselves to maintain the same sense of curiosity we see in our students and translate that passion into engaging and rewarding learning opportunities for our students.

A collaborative approach to teaching and learning allows staff and students to support each other and learn from one another. Every learner, children and adult alike, makes a valuable contribution to our learning environment. We strive to be an inclusive school community where we provide all of our students with the most appropriate learning environment and opportunities for them to best achieve their potential. We want each student to belong and receive a quality education no matter their ability, language, cultural background, gender, or age. A collective name for a group of butterflies is called a 'kaleidoscope'. Our beautiful Westbrook kaleidoscope is magnificent because of the strength in our diversity.

We are excited to work alongside your child on their learning journey – let your butterfly soar!

Darren Sweeney                                  Nancy Lastiwka-Durling

Principal                                              Assistant Principal