Lunch & Nutrition
- The fee is based on a projected number of 469 students participating in the lunch-time supervision
service of which 60 students are exempted from paying (as per HH.AR). If enrolment changes between now and June, 2025, adjustments will be made to the fee. - Parents will only have to pay their fair share of fees. No one is being asked to cover the cost of exempted students.
- There is a ratio of one supervisor for each classroom in Grades 1 through 4. In Grades 5 and 6, there will be a ratio of one supervisor between two classrooms.
Healthy Snack and Lunch Choices
We encourage parents to work with their children in making snack and lunch choices to support healthy development. Please offer food that meets the 'Choose Most Often' and 'Choose Sometimes' criteria from the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Youth. There are no microwaves available for student use.
Life Threatening Allergies
A number of our students in our school have a potentially life-threatening allergy to peanuts, tree nuts, dairy and egg.
If peanut butter or even the tiniest amount of peanut, a peanut product such as peanut oil, or any type of nut enters the student’s body through the eyes, nose or mouth, the student will experience very strong reactions. This is the same reaction for dairy and egg. The student’s face swells and breaks out in hives; the student’s throat swells and tightens. Without immediate medical treatment, the student could die within minutes. The dairy and egg allergy requires an ingestion of food and is monitored differently than our peanut and tree nut allergies.
We are requesting your cooperation in refraining from sending food products containing peanuts or tree nuts. Although a student is allergic to peanuts, we are including tree nuts in our request because most nuts are processed with peanuts and are, therefore, contaminated with peanuts. If your child has eaten peanuts/nuts before coming to school, please be sure your child’s hands and face have been thoroughly washed before entering the school.
We realize that this request may pose an inconvenience for you when preparing your student’s snack and lunch, and we want to express our appreciation for your support and understanding about this severe allergy.